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Is coaching for you?


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Discovery Quiz

Is Coaching for You?


We welcome you to take the quiz and find out: Rate each question as honest as possible and

true to where you currently are. On a scale from 1-10 (10 being the highest)



1. _____  I am ready to commit to myself with an open mind.

2. _____  I am ready to improve my relationship with myself.

3. _____  I am ready to take action for my own joy, happiness, and fulfillment.

4. _____  I am ready to challenge my thoughts in order to enhance my belief system.

5. _____  I am ready to look for the lessons and change the story.

6. _____  I am ready to accept my whole self and whole truth.

7. _____  I am ready to accept my whole self and whole truth.

8. _____ I am ready to be completely honest with myself.

9. _____ I am ready to align with my values and vision in order to win my victories.

10. _____ I am ready to do the real work, for real talk and real support.


9-10 Trues - You were born ready! You are willing to do whatever it takes to create the life you deserve and desire.


7-8 Trues – You were born ready! Review your answers that were false. How can we support you to change those falses to true?


5-6 Trues – You were born ready! Coaching can support you. What might possibly be preventing you from seeing through a new set of lenses? How can we support you to change those falses to true?


Below 5 Trues – You were born ready! Coaching can support you. What lies beneath the resistance? How can you move the needle of your viewpoint? How can we support you to change those falses to true?

Discovery Quiz
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